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Snow White

  Book One

  In the

  Ever After



  Jeanette Rose & Alice Callisto

  Rose & Star Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2022 by Rose & Star Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. For more information, address:

  First paperback edition Jeanette 2022

  Revised Edition

  Book Cover Design by C.L. Matthews

  Editing By Aisling MacKay

  We at Rose and Star Publishing believe in informed readers, please visit our website to find the themes that might be explored in this book.

  Chapter One


  Alighting from the carriage, I clap my snow-white gloves together. The air of the Lithelle Kingdom is crisp, making my lungs burn ever so slightly from the purity. Every inch of the picturesque castle in front of me is groomed meticulously. A branch dared not grow too far out of line in the hedges, or it would be snipped by the gardeners standing at attention with shears at the ready. A footman jumps forward to place a carpet beneath my feet before they can touch the manicured grass. I wondered if they would fling themselves to the ground and allow me to walk across their backs if a rug was unavailable.

  Now, now, those kinds of thoughts won’t help in maintaining my disguise. I’m not here as myself. I’m here as the docile Lady Azura to compete for the king’s hand. The white silk of my skirt dances around my ankles, hitting the edge of my snowy boots. From head to toe, I am clad in virginal white. With my pale hair, I glow like a shining beacon of hope.

  In reality, I am the viper in their midsts.

  My clap summons the two maids and three footmen who have traveled with me. Their eyes are glazed from the spell I have cast over them, but they jump to attention. The maids make sure my white dress is wrinkle-free and perfectly arranged as I glide up the stairs. The footmen scurry to take down my trunks, using the servants’ entrance to enter the castle. At the door, the maids back away and follow the footmen, allowing me to make my entrance alone. I do not need any further help, not that I needed them in the first place. They are merely pawns to dissuade prying questions or annoying insights. Everything can be done with a wave of my hand.

  As I glare up at the dual doors, the massive tree carved into the wood splits down the middle. My blood-red lips curl as I shove them open, not waiting for the footmen or the butler to announce me.

  I wait for no man.

  The opulent entryway is filled with women, some noble, some even royalty, all of them primping and preening, hoping to catch the king’s eye. The doors bang hard against the walls, making several of them jump in response. My powers leech from me, slithering unseen through their vapid thoughts, gathering the intel I need. Between my first and second step into the foyer, I’ve soaked up all the necessary knowledge, and I recall my magic with them none the wiser.

  Several of the women look me over and then dismiss me as if I am beneath their notice. But I see the way their hands clench and their eyes pinch. Some of them instinctively know that I’m more than what I seem. Not that it will do them much good. I’ve been practicing for this role my entire life, and I have far more on the line than some silly title. I make my steps unsure at first, faltering to a stop in the center of the foyer.

  The pale dress lends a deceptive soft blush of innocence to my ivory skin, and my white hair is coiled high on my head as if awaiting the crown. My fingers twitch. It is so tempting to release my magic and send all these insipid misses home, crying to their mothers. But that would be too suspicious, not to mention it would require far too much power.

  I must play the game and not reveal my position. I can’t afford to be found.

  I will walk over their corpses without hesitation, but I have to win first. Each step has been carefully evaluated and considered. I have to discard each of my competitors without gaining notice from within the castle or attention from without. I will succeed and claim what I need, what I crave. Power. Even dark magic has limits, but marrying into this royal lineage will give me access to elemental magic.

  My eyes trail over the competition as some look me up and down. I don’t speak to any of them. None here are worth my attention.

  A butler rushes forward and leads me to the grand staircase. I glide up the steps, following him to my allotted suite for the month. A particularly loud and obnoxious girl ascends behind us, and I can’t stop myself from flicking my fingers. She teeters back and forth at the top of the stairs, and I smile as I shut the door to my room. I wonder if anyone will be quick enough to catch her before she plummets to her death. Not that it matters to me if they fail.

  They’re all fodder, anyway.

  I take the time to refresh myself and change, but I am eager to get back downstairs. I take a few moments to check myself in the mirror. I am satisfied with how the gown hugs my curves lovingly, and the deep violet color enhances the mesmerizing shimmer of my eyes.

  I step outside my room but pause at the top of the stairs. I watch as a woman with beautiful ebony skin in a pale blue dress runs into another woman. My magic leaches out to study their minds. The first is a pernicious viper, but the second… My magic slams into a mental wall of ice.

  Only one woman here has that kind of mental shield.

  The viper hisses, “Watch it!”

  I glare down at the scene as I slowly descend the steps.

  “Apologize.” My voice leaves no room for argument. It has frozen armies in their tracks. Men and women bow when they hear it, even if they don’t understand why. I should work harder to appear insignificant to them. Most women wouldn’t demand such attention, but I’ve never been like most women.

  The beautiful woman bows her head. “I-I’m sorry.”

  The other woman sniffs, turning her nose up in the air. I continue down the stairs, a predator surrounded by prey. The closer I get, the more compelling the woman in the blue dress becomes.

  I am taken aback by her beauty. Her hair and skin are unbroken midnight, and I imagine stars shooting across the velvet darkness. Her hair is rebelling from the clip that holds it, tight curls already springing free around her face. I can’t stop my gaze from moving down her body, and I barely prevent myself from licking my lips at the sight. I meet her eyes and almost miss a step. They are glacial, an icy blue, hinting at the power she holds within. Everything about her screams warmth and welcome, except for those eerie eyes that have the power to freeze people in their tracks.

  I’ve seen eyes far colder.

  “Not you. Her,” I snap.

  The other woman sputters, “M-Me?! She ran into me!”

  My steps are graceful, almost unnatural. They are the only warning of the serpent beneath. “You will apologize now.”

  The beautiful woman shakes her head, whispering, “I-It was m-my fault.”

  I hold my hand up to silence her, my eyes locked on the viper as I finish my descent. A silent battle of wills plays between us, and some part of that stupid bitch wants to call me out. After a moment, she curtsies and says, “M-My apologies.”

  The beautiful one shakes her head. “It’s alright, t-truly.”

  I relax and drop my hand to my side. I hold the gaze of the rude woman, letting my magic flare. Without another word, she starts up the stairs. I turn to
the beautiful one. “Princesses should never apologize.”

  Oh, I know very well who she is. She has a role to play in my game, as everyone does. She is just as beautiful as the rumors claim, and I can feel the purity and power radiating from her.

  “If you’ll excuse me, Your Highness,” I say and bow my head slightly before continuing on into the drawing room.

  So begins the end of Snow White.

  Chapter Two


  For as long as I can remember, I have felt alone. I have my father and brother, but my mother passed away a couple of years ago from some strange illness. When she died, my brother, Eric, moved to our estate by the sea, leaving my father and me alone in this big empty castle. Since then, the hallways have been gloomy and quiet. The furniture has dulled in color. The wood chipped away by sorrow. There is very little light, and everything feels dead.

  I assume that is why my father planned this event. He saw the lack of life in the castle and how it was affecting all of us… me. So, he thought if he found himself a wife, it would brighten our home again. He really isn’t doing this for himself. He is doing it for me. My father has always done things for me, even if it did not benefit him. He has always been a selfless man, and I aspire to be like him one day.

  Now, the castle is filled with women of all classes. All here to win my father’s heart. When they’d arrived, I’d stayed up in my room and watched them enter through the front door. Their names echoed in the quiet castle. Petunia, Drizella, Louisa, and more. Each name drilled into my mind, the idea of one of them becoming my stepmother oddly exciting.

  The excitement persists until I run into Drizella at the bottom of the stairs. Her face has snake-like features and her tongue is just as sharp. My body goes colder than its usual cold, and I feel frozen, unable to move as she spits vitriol at me.

  It is not unusual for my core temperature to become colder than ice. I have been the Vessel of Ice since I was a baby. The element residing in my soul. Throughout the years, the element residing in my soul has taken its toll on my body. The strength of its power will sometimes overwhelm my physical form and freeze the blood in my veins. There have been times when I have had to be placed into a tub of hot water to thaw my frozen heart.

  When I look at Drizella, I can feel the coldness seep into my bones. A voice not of my own, whispering in the back of my mind.

  They will never accept you. Admit it… it is better that you disappear.

  But then a new voice broke through the coldness. It was sugar and spice, strong but calm. It soothes the jagged wounds Drizella’s words caused and warms my blood, easing back the dangerous bite of the cold.

  I let out a breath and look at the girl who stood up for me. Her white hair glimmers in the candlelight, and her skin is so pale it is almost translucent. She looks like a porcelain doll. She is perfect in every way. There is a slight blush on her cheeks, and her violet dress sits nicely on her curves. She is the most stunning woman I have ever seen in my entire life, and I want to know more about her. I want to be her friend. I want to know how she helped warm my veins.

  She is heading toward the tearoom, and I only have a split second to decide whether to join her or continue watching these women from afar.

  You can do this, Snow. It is time to stop hiding in the shadows.

  But she might just dismiss you. A woman like her wouldn’t bother with a naïve little princess like you.

  I close my eyes, pushing the harsh, destructive thoughts to the back of my mind, making my decision.

  “Wait up!” I call out.

  The woman stops, turning to look at me with her violet-colored eyes. “Yes, Your Highness?”

  My heart thuds in my chest. The way she looks at me makes me feel as if I am the only one in the hall. I have never seen such uniquely colored eyes before, but I love them.

  “May… may I join you?” I walk toward her, spinning my mother’s ring around my middle finger. My mother’s ring was given to me after her passing, and I treasure it. It helps me maintain control of the emotions and the subsequent cold that threatens my body. But right now, I don’t even need the ring to help warm me with happy thoughts. My entire body feels hot. I wear layers to stay warm, but being near this woman makes me want to rip off my sleeves.

  I have never been so nervous with someone before. It is as if her rejection could crumble the carefully built wall of hope I have wrapped around my heart.

  “Of course, Your Highness,” the woman says, holding her hand out for me.

  I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and take her warm, soft hand. I smile and say, “I’m Snow White.”

  “Azura,” she says, tucking my hand into her elbow.

  We walk to the tearoom together, and it takes everything in me not to be intimidated by Azura’s elegance. She is different from the other princesses. She is mature, beautiful, and full of grace. All the power around us drifts to her, and I can feel the hum of her energy vibrating against me. It makes me want to get to know her. It is difficult to accomplish her level of composure and poise at such a young age, and many never achieve it. I want to learn to be more like her. Perhaps if I can become her friend, she will teach me.

  A small group of women has gathered in the corner of the tearoom, twittering away as they work on their embroidery. Their delicate hands make quick work as they gossip about everything that has happened today. Another girl works on her painting, the picture an exact replica of the bowl of fruit in front of her. The princess beside her plays the piano, filling the space with a lovely melody.

  None of those things truly interest me. I have always been drawn to activities considered more unconventional for princesses. Yet, I will need to adjust my way of thinking if I want to make friends. At least I will be able to talk to Azura. That should hold the boredom and chill at bay.

  Azura looks around the room before sighing. “How about we go somewhere less occupied? Can you ride?”

  My eyes light up at the thought. A beautiful, elegant woman like Azura wants to go riding? One of my favorite pastimes? My body vibrates with excitement.

  “Do I ever!” I say. “I have this magnificent spot where we can go! If you are up to it, of course.”

  Azura’s gaze sweeps over me before she looks down at her own outfit. “Let me change into my riding clothes, and then we can go. I can’t ride in this dress.”

  Her violet dress shimmers in the light shining through the window. She nearly glows, her beauty radiant and unique, like a perfect single snowflake. My lower stomach burns with… jealousy? No, that doesn’t seem right. I don’t get jealous, and I have always admired a woman who could look beautiful in anything. I will have to figure out this emotion later.

  “You can’t?” I ask her. “I think you look beautiful.”

  Azura’s brows furrow slightly. “It is my preference to ride astride, my dear Snow. I need my riding habit for that. It will only take me but a moment.”

  I nod, looking down at my periwinkle-colored dress. I wore it to impress the other princesses because nothing says princess like a puffy, frilly gown. But Azura is right. Riding in this will be very uncomfortable, and like her, I prefer riding astride.

  “Should I change as well?” I ask her.

  “Depends if you’re planning to race me,” she says, touching my arm gently. My heart flutters, and I bite my lower lip. A race? I haven’t taken part in a race since my brother left. That was when the coldness sunk into my skin and my bones.

  I take her hand, leading her away from the tearoom and to the stairs.

  “Then I will change.” I giggle.

  Azura laughs as we quickly climb the stairs. She stops in front of one of the doors. “This is my room. Shall we meet downstairs?”

  I chew my lip, nodding. “Alright. Promise to meet me down there?”

  The question escapes my lips before I can stop it. I can’t let her know how desperate I am for a companion. If she figures that ou
t, she may think me odd. Then I will be back where I began. Alone.

  Another part of me is afraid that this is all a dream and I will arrive downstairs to no one. It wouldn’t be the first time I dreamed of something like this, and Azura is definitely a woman from a dream. My heart twists in my chest.

  Azura blinks. “I am a woman of my word, my dear Snow.”

  With that, she turns around and enters her room. Once the door closes, I bolt to my room, determined to beat her down. Friendly competition never hurt anyone, right?

  My maids rush to my side to help me, but I shake my head, thanking them before getting to work. The ties are harder on my own, but I manage to get them undone before slipping out of the dress. I run to the wardrobe, my eyes scanning the outfits. I pick one of the ivory riding ensembles, slipping on the pants first.

  If I am honest, I prefer pants. As much as I love a good dress, pants provide comfort and ease of movement that a dress does not. In fact, I wear pants more than dresses, though I know that will not be the case this month. So, I must take the opportunity now.

  I slip on my shirt, fiddling with the buttons. My fingers fumble from the adrenaline of this little competition, but I know I am going to win. I can feel it. I giggle as I grab my cloak, throwing it around my neck before bolting from the room.

  Azura doesn’t stand a chance.

  Chapter Three


  I step inside, closing the door behind me. So many of these foolish hens will click and cluck around the king’s feet, hoping for some meager scrap of attention, some parcel of focus. If they knew anything, they’d know you never attack an enemy head-on. Instead, you strike where he is weakest, and his weakness stares at me with icy eyes.

  Snow White. So eager to please, so desperate to make a good impression. She tumbled into my lap, wrapped in a pretty bow, waiting to be unraveled. If I yank her strings hard enough, I’ll earn a kingdom and a king. But most importantly, I’ll gain the power of her bloodline and enough natural magic to bring the world to its knees.